Saturday 29 December 2012

Beginning of my journey

London... the city of wonder, the city of beauty, the city where life buzzes round the clock. Who could ever be bored here? Who could ever get up in the morning with a feeling like there's nothing waiting for them during the day? Who, in their right mind, would say that they want to get out of here, fast! Well... I did. 

After living in London for the last 8 years I have grown tired of it, I have started to dislike it, I have begun thinking of ways to escape. Sadly, I fell out of love with it. Because, at one point, I did love it. I absolutely adored the place. I loved the freedom, I loved the diversity, I loved the craze. And then... the amazement slowly started to turn into boredom, tiredness, pure dislike. I was thinking of moving away, starting a different life somewhere else. I was hoping to fall in love again... with a different city. 

Yet, I got a great PhD position here. For another four years. At a London University. Here. Stuck here. For another four years. In London. Right... 

What to do? The PhD position was too good to turn down... And it's only four years; I know it will pass so quickly. I know, somehow I can endure the pain of living here. For another four years... So I accepted it. Accepted the position. Accepted that I am stuck in this city I wanted to escape. Accepted my fate.

And then it struck me. What am I doing? What am I thinking? London…! The city of Europe, where you can see everything, meet anyone and experience it all. Not many other cities can offer as much. Even though I might not love it now, I decided to fall in love with London all over again. Find, each week, a new reason to love this place. A new experience it can provide, a new sight, a new taste, a new sound.

I am on a mission to re-discover London. On a mission to fall in love with it all over again. I am on a mission!